- 低ホスファターゼ症(HPP)患者さんにおける呼吸器障害は、進行性の呼吸機能障害から呼吸不全に至るまでさまざまですが、これらは胸腔容積の減少および肺の低形成に起因します2-5
- 乳児のHPP患者さんの主な死因は、呼吸不全です3,6
- 挿管、人工呼吸器、あるいは酸素補給を要する呼吸機能障害2-4
- 人工呼吸器を使用しても肺炎や呼吸不全を起こす2-4
aHPP Impact Survey(HIPS):インターネット上で人口統計学的データ、HPPに関連する病歴、疾患の進行、健康関連QOLを調査した。HPP患者さん133例が参加2
References: 1. Teber S, Sezer T, Kafaki M, et al. Hypophosphatasia associated with pseudotumor cerebri and respiratory insufficiency. Indian J Pediatr. 2008;75(2):186-188. 2. Data on file, Alexion Pharmaceuticals. 3. Baumgartner-Sigl S, Haberlandt E, Mumm S, et al. Pyridoxine responsive seizures as the first symptom of infantile hypophosphatasia caused by two novel missense mutations (c.677T>C, p.M226T; c.1112C>T, p.T371I) of the tissue on specific alkaline phosphatase gene. Bone. 2007;40(6):1655-1661. 4. Balasubramaniam S, Bowling F, Carpenter K, et al. Perinatal hypophosphatasia presenting as neonatal epileptic encephalopathy with abnormal neurotransmitter metabolism secondary to reduced co-factor pyridoxal-5-phosphate availability. J Inherit Metab Dis. 2010;33(3):25-33. 5. Silver MM, Vilos GA. Pulmonary hypoplasia in neonatal hypophosphatasia. Pediatr Pathol. 1988;8(5):483-493. 6. Rockman-Greenberg C. Hypophosphatasia. Pediatr Endocrinol Rev. 2013;10(suppl 2):380-388. 7. Simmons JH. Best practices in: recognizing and diagnosing hypophosphatasia. Clinical Endocrinology News website. http://www.clinicalendocrinologynews.com/fileadmin/content_pdf/cen/Alexion_10_ 11_Final_Web.pdf. Published 2013. Accessed April 17, 2014. 8. Rodriguez E, Bober MB, Davey L, et al. Respiratory mechanics in an infant with perinatal lethal hypophosphatasia treated with human recombinant enzyme replacement therapy. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2012;47(9):917-922.